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Linking ocean Co., Ltd. was founded 7 years ago by those professional analysts who not only have had experience in shipping industry for over 20 years, but also have bigger vision of international logistics industry. In order to ensure the goods could be transported safely and swiftly, we dedicate to analyzing the features of all ports of Asia, America and Europe; the sequence of port of call as well.
In order to provide the top service to our clients, we would report the status of goods to customers immediately because there are agents cooperated with Linking Ocean in Asia, America and Europe so that we could get all status of shipments and cargoes precisely.
Due to our long lasting experience in the field of seaborne imports and exports, Linking Ocean could arrange the best transportation of customers' goods depending on different custom operation process of every country, characteristics of different industry, and customers' requests.
Linking Ocean Co., Ltd. was founded 7 years ago by those professional analysts who not only have had experience in shipping industry for over 20 years, but have bigger vision of international logistics industry. Already acquainted ourselves with Asian logistics service, and now we have a great desire to get into the trade between Asia, United States and Europe. What we promise to our customers are "meet your need," "cherish what you entrust us," and "make your goods flowed smoothly."